Edinburgh Clip ‘n’ Climb

Edinburgh Clip ‘n’ Climb

Pease note this event has been rescheduled due to ongoing uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 virus.
A new date wil be shared once we are through these difficult times.

Saturday, 14 March
11:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Edinburgh International Climbing Arena

Open to SNAC kids with arthritis and their siblings (age 4+ years). Adults can watch the kids play and then have a cuppa and a chat while the children have some food in the party room.

Places are free but booking is essential. For more information or to book a place, contact Tracy Rendall by email or on 07791 789 225.

Please note that this event is open to SNAC members only. To apply for a free membership, visit our Membership page.